Backyard Wedding Styled Shoot

This super cute Backyard Wedding Styled Shoot was crafted by the very talented Jennifer Gifford and fellow members at The Bride’s Market.

With the popularity of “at home” weddings on the rise, this shoot is featured in White Magazine Issue 26!  The wedding props provided by Signs of Wear had such gorgeous colours, and it was amazing to see how a little house in the suburbs of Brisbane could be dressed up for a wedding so beautifully.  Such a fun shoot, I loved photographing every second!  Full credits can be found below.

x Ann-Louise

backyard-wedding-styled-shootbackyard-wedding-styled-shootbackyard-wedding-photosbackyard-weddingsbackyard-weddingsbrisbane-wedding-photographercreative-wedding-photographyfun-wedding-photoswedding-styled-shootwedding-styled-shoot-photoscreative-wedding-photosrachel-gilbert-gownwedding-props-brisbanebrisbane-wedding-photos backyard-wedding-photoswhite-magazinebrisbane-wedding-photographerwedding-styled-shootcreative-wedding-photoscreative-wedding-photographywil-valor-suitbridal-makeupcreative-wedding-stationarywolley-wedding-stationarycreative-wedding-photographernatural-wedding-photoscreative-wedding-styled-shoot

Concept: Jennifer Gifford / The Bride’s Market

Props & Styling: Signs of Wear

Hair & Makeup: Peekaboo Makeup and Hair Design

Stationary: Wolley

Gown: Rachel Gilbert

Suit: Wil Valor

Models: Dallys Models (Emma & Cade)